For almost 100 years there has been a Secret
Ruling Cabal of Banksters and Industrialists from the City of London Financial
District that has been running the USG and setting the policies of America
which are based on Big Lies and Major Deceptions.
This cabal has spent many billions of hard earned American dollars which they
have confiscated through a crooked tax system to pay “talking-head” major mass
media “newscasters” to limit what you can know and to make sure almost
everything the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is lies and dispensed
propaganda, which helps keep this super-elite deviant Ruling Cabal in power and
keeps important truths from the public.
The Cabal knows that they must keep truth from the people in order to
continue in power, and now the advent of the worldwide Internet is posing their
greatest threat ever, and their demise may be right around the corner.
Some of the oldest most senior members of the Cabal believe that the only way to
stop this erosion of their control over truth that the Internet now presents is
to elicit a major nuclear WW3 that will radically depopulate the earth and
convert the political structure back into a Middle Ages type feudal King/Serf
The advent of the worldwide Internet is proving to be the undoing of
this Cabal’s previous near complete lock on the truth.
They have controlled the history books, the school teaching agendas and limited
higher education to their approved subject areas. The worldwide Internet is now
proving to be the New Gutenberg Press and has the same power to completely
dethrone the Cabal and restructure society. It is an engine for the spontaneous
and widespread emergence of a new worldwide populism, a new worldwide
Conscience-Collective that can and will erode and displace the CMMM.
Without the CMMM’s constant uncontested dispensing of lies and propaganda, the
ruling Cabal’s power, authority

and legitimacy will be progressively eroded, and
eventually this Cabal will be exposed and eliminated. This process appears to be
well under way now thanks to the advent of the worldwide Internet “Truth
Movement”, a new type of spontaneously emerging world populism.
Karen Hudes, former high ranking counsel for the World Bank, has disclosed that
at least five of the six American major mass media are owned by the six largest
banks which means that they control public opinion by controlling what the major
mass media dispenses to the public. Thanks to the Internet this is quickly
coming to a screeching halt right before our eyes in real time.
No greater litmus test has been more clearly apparent for the CMMM than
the recent false flag attack in Syria by Al Cia Duh.
Watch the CMMM house of cards start to fall as the truth is fully exposed by the
alternative media on the Internet. This is called “driving the news” and when a
certain critical mass is reached in the alternative Internet media, the CMMM is
eventually forced to cover the story and in a way that has moved toward the
alternative version. Eventually the full alternative version completely
displaces the original cover-up story and these truth nuggets of horrible USG
crimes and abuses written abuse benignly and accepted in the CMMM like they were
just an everyday normal occurrence. The Ruling Cabal knows that major stories
have a short decay cycle and if they can delay the truth for a certain period of
months or years, it just doesn’t matter if the public finds out because it is
old, stale news by that time and not considered relevant to most.
If you ever felt that you were being manipulated by the major mass media you
were very perceptive because that is what has been happening and it is because
the Banksters use the major mass media to dictate public opinion to meet their
needs, which makes the major mass media almost completely controlled. that
is why it makes sense to refer to it as the a Controlled Major
Mass media (CMMM).
The CMMM is based through and through on lies, deceit and propaganda
that most American subjects have believed as Gospel truth until very recently.
This blanket acceptance and trust of the CMMM by the naive, mind-kontrolled
“asleep at the wheel” public is similar to the King’s New Clothes fable, but it
is now being eroded almost daily as the Alternative News on the Internet grows
in popularity.
This is extremely vexing to the Ruling Cabal because they know unless they act
soon to suppress this growing erosion of their mind-kontrolling/dumbing down
mechanism (the CMMM), they will become fully exposed and the curtain will be
pulled back showing the Wizard of Oz to be a weak old man with no real power
except for his power to deceive, manipulate and mind-kontrol. This newly
emergent worldwide Internet Truth movement is cutting through these ruling Cabal
lies like a hot knife through butter and its ability to do so and drive the
alternative news into mainstream news is increasing almost daily. So far all
attempts to slow this or stop this have failed or resulted in an ever increasing
emergence of Internet provided truth accepted and believed by the masses.
The Ruling Cabal’s ability to continue withholding the truth from its
subjects is waning by the day as the Alternative media has now outpaced the CMMM
in popularity.
You cannot easily find any young people going to mainstream mass media TV
network news for information, they all go to the alternative news sites on the
web like Drudgereport.com, Rense.com, Presstv.ir, whatreallyhappened.com,
Veteranstoday.com, rt.com, infowars.com, amtvmedia.com, rinf.com, wired.com
(danger room), and so many more fine newsfeed websites like these that it would
fill pages.
And few believe the network news radio reports anymore either. Since these
network radio news are also Cabal controlled and part of the CMMM, their
constant parroting of what the network TV talking head spout is increasingly
also ignored. And those sites that are run out of the Pentagon or the Fusion
centers, or zio fronts are usually quite easily identified or at least perceived
as tainted, and many folks are now rejecting them for the most part because
their lies and distortions are becoming so plainly obvious.
Real truth cuts through the Cabal’s CMMM dispensed lies like a hot knife through
butter and once the cat is now out of the bag, these gold nuggets of truth will
circulate forever on the net until they have completely eroded the Ruling
Cabal’s strength. It’s like kryptonite to superman.
Here is a list of some of the major truth nuggets that are now being
circulated in the alternative media on the worldwide Internet which seem to have
real teeth and many of these have come from high level connected intel sources.
These are facts, disclosures and information that the Ruling cabal never
intended for you to ever find out about. Skip over the items that you are
already familiar with or not interested in.
1. Contrary to what USG officials keep parroting through the CMMM, the
United States of America is a Republic, not a Democracy and the
Founding fathers specifically designed the Constitution to prevent America from
ever becoming a democracy by creating what was to be a permanent separation of
powers between Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive (Administration
including the President). The system was designed to prevent the President from
becoming a petty dictator, but that is what has happened under Bush 1&2 and
Clinton, and now Obama. This has occurred because Congress has allowed these
presidents to start and fight undeclared, unprovoked, unConstitutional, illegal
wars without impeaching the President. And the judiciary has been blackmailed
into submission by Cutouts of the Cabal using secret wiretaps from the NSA. A
Democracy is mob rule, that is, simple majority rule which is what the Ruling
Cabal wants since it has been able to easily mass mind-kontrol the public by
controlling the major mass media. The Ruling Cabal was able to change the
process for electing US Senators from appointment by the state legislatures to
popular vote, which was not what the Founding fathers wanted, either, and makes
Congress even more easily controlled by the Cabal “money-men” who have unlimited
funds for K-Street lobbyists and other various types of support to
Congresspersons before and after they are elected.
2. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign owned private central bank
which creates imaginary, fiat money out of thin air only, is no more federal
than Federal Express shipping company, has no reserves, and is basically an
unconstitutional “sleight of hand” fraud operation which charges American
citizens interest illegally to use what should be their own money. Its twelve
stockholder/owners are kept secret. the federal reserve Act was supposedly
passed to prevent depressions but has been used to create them on behalf of the
Ruling cabal so that they can pick up more assets at huge discounts. This
fraudulent system generates mass debt slavery through pernicious usury,
considered by the Muslims to be a very great sin and used to also be considered
the same by the Catholic faith. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913
is one of the greatest frauds in history and was actually “stealth legislation”
passed without a true quorum, right before Christmas break when few
Congress-persons were present. The Internet has been exposing this “big lie” in
spades and more and more Americans are catching on and hopping mad because they
are realizing for the first time that this illegal Central Banking has allowed
the Ruling cabal to steal their hard earned income and asset strip the wealth of
everyday citizens as well as America the Republic.

3. The Internal Revenue Service is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is
the private collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank. It too is
completely illegal but is able to steal the taxpayer’s money by use of brute
power, a hijacked and compromised justice system and brutal police state style
“boot in your face” power. Obama’s affordable Health Care was designed by top
Cabal members who control the insurance industry as a means to bring all
taxpayers and citizens together under the massive daily control of the IRS who
are designated to be the enforcers of Obama care and will have access to
everyone’s bank accounts and can size assets at will even if in error. And of
course there is a somewhat recent “smoking gun” letter from a certain Midwest
senator that instructed the IRS to get real tough with Tea Party groups which
will probably be released to the public sooner than later and could easily
prevent any re-election of that individual.
4. All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which
is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialist run out
of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican
with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed
by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides
that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear
to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association
with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are luciferian based
and this Ruling Cabal. Others have discovered a long term association with these
Ruling Cabal members and alien or ET entities, and believe these cabal members
are actually infected with alien/ET demonic parasites who demand and promote
mass death and destruction upon the Earth once they gain control over the Cabal
member who has lost his soul or been “soul-snatched”. Some researchers have
labeled this Ruling Cabal Babylonian Zionism, or the “Synagogue of satan” and
claim that it’s wealth and power is based on the use of “Babylonian
Money-Magick” which is the use of fiat money lent at pernicious usury in order
to create massive debt slavery, massive asset stripping and provide complete but
hidden control. Others attribute it power to the anointing of Lucifer and their
use of the evil “black arts” which include deception, slight of hand and human
sacrifice. If the cabal can issue or print all the money it needs, it can buy up
almost every single politician it wants as long as it keeps the effects of all
the excess money mitigated to prevent complete collapse of the monetary system.
Of course experts know that the creation of the US Petro Dollar which required
all oil sales to be made in money converted to US dollars first was a stop gap
effort to delay reality until the Ruling Cabal could use America to subdue the
whole world on the behalf of these City of London Bankster’s before the system
eventually crashed. The reason why the US Dollar is now only worth only about 2
cents of what is was worth when it was originally issued is because the Federal
Reserve Bank has been issuing more and more money to buy politicians and support
their secret black operations designed to develop alien technology to keep
complete control over “we the people” and this Ponzi system is eventually doomed
to failure.
The following video clip is a classic by Michael Rivera of
whatreallyhappened.com. It is 45 minutes long and most folks can get the
main message which is very important in the first 5-10 minutes if time is
limited. For those that have the time and want hard core specifics, the rest of
this clip is perhaps the best description of how Banksters cause wars ever
YouTube -
Veterans Today
5. This secret Ruling Cabal has existed for hundreds of years and has
planned to create a Globalist NWO system located in Jerusalem and is allegedly
powered by the mass suffering, death and bloodshed of humans as a
“blood-sacrifice” and/or a “soul-sacrifice”. The plan has been to
elicit zionism and Muslim extremism movements to battle it out and destroy each
other so that Jerusalem and the surrounding Arab areas can be demoed, allowing a
new temple to be made for the New World order luciferian ruler, the “New Caesar
of the Ages” to be seated so he can assume world rule. In order to do this all
the main powers of the world must be destroyed through war, starvation and
pestilence, to allow supremacy of the NWO as it sets up world government in the
New Jerusalem Temple of lucifer. The Ruling Cabal’s obsession to setting up a
Roman style NWO world government in Jerusalem dates all the way back to the
Crusades when the European Royalty expressed this obsession to take and hold
Jerusalem to gain the secret gold stache and the ark of the covenant, both
allegedly buried under the old temple ruins. These City of London Banksters and
their Wall Street franchisees set up and financed the Bolshevik revolution in
Russia in 1915 with its brutal Red Terror and also designed Nazi National
Socialism as a fascist counterbalance. Thus both Bolshevism and Nazism were two
sides of the same zionist coin, and not all Zionists are Talmudic Judaics which
is a surprise to those that discover this. The Nazi faction still exists as a
secret, covert fourth Reich controlling some of the large Wall Street Banks and
many of the major oil companies, Big Pharma and defense contractors and some
American intel factions. The zios run the Central Banking and pernicious usury
to create massive numbers of debt slaves, run the FBI and have hijacked much of
the high military command and the NSA and other intel agencies, and have been in
the initial stages of moving the essence or central control of these entities to
Israel in privatized form. This is now being exposed and blocked within the
military high command and Intel at also at many other levels of American Society
which means that Zionism is now likely in its death throes and will be thrown
under the bus soon. But this also makes them very dangerous too until they are
thrown under the bus and they seem to be Hell-bent on starting a nuclear WW3
first. It seems as if the Cabal and its Cutouts are seemingly under the
spell of some evil soulless mind-kontrolling entity, perhaps best described as a
cosmic or demonic parasite that feeds off intense acute or prolonged human
suffering and mass death. And it seems as if this suffering is
purposefully caused by traumatic harm and death to humans from the intentional
social engineering of massive crime, chaos, social breakdown, starvation, and
war 24/7 in order to provide a near constant “shedding of blood”, which is also
alleged to provide energy and life to these parasites who appear to crave their
own private near constant mass-human sacrifice.
6. Ufo’s are real and are advanced inter-dimensional Anti-Gravity Craft
(AGCs) and have been recovered by the American Army Air Corps (now the USAF)
after crashing, and have contained alien/ET pilots.These craft have
been back engineered, and the USG has entered into several top secret treaties
with certain alien groups to obtain ultra-high technology in return for access
to human and animals for biological sampling as long as certain rules are met.
It turns out that these alien/ET are liars and deceivers, have broken the
agreements and some have used humans for food.
7. The secret Shadow Government (SSG) has taken over the majority of
these alien/ET treaty issues and has entered into joint programs with these
aliens to build underground bases where they have set up hybridization
labs to help the alien/ETs develop new hybrid/human beings with Psi-power and
super-soldier characteristics.So far these experiments have failed and the
aliens have not been able to synthesize the human soul which is what they are
after. It is alleged that other major nations like China and Russia have entered
into exchange treaties with various alien/ET entities also.
8. Numerous researchers believe that alien beings have been able to
mind-kontrol top SSG and cabal leaders by infecting them with a cosmic
parasite which transforms them into power obsessed individuals, filled with
blood lust and desire to engender mass death and destruction, and best described
as completely self-serving and the “ultimate evil”. This occurrence would
explain why the top world leaders and those who run the SSG act the way they do.
These individuals are believed to be infected with a cosmic parasite that seeks
energy they can somehow capture provided by intense and mass human suffering and
traumatic death. This parasite makes them act like a power mad, blood thirsty
mass murdering parasite against the human race, all the while believing the
delusion that their eugenics and mass death is an attempt to purify and save the
human race. Thus this cosmic parasite’s apparent script is to manipulate and
mind-kontrol world leaders of the cabal to produce as much human suffering,
shedding of blood and traumatic mass death as possible in order to extract
energy from suffering humans and humans that are dying traumatically. Sick
beyond words and yes, it’s demonic and pure evil if true. And some intel
insiders have alleged that it is “rumored” that DC is by far the most
psychotronically mind-kontrolled geographical space in the whole world, being
constantly bombarded with scalar/torsion/standing waves/ultra low ELF, and
pulsed beam microwaves from stationary triangulated ground transmitters
surrounding DC and satellite based nuclear powered transmitters from high tech
large orbital space platforms. Thus not only are DC politicians and officials
perhaps the most sexually human compromised, bought off/owned/bribed or
blackmailed groups in history, but also perhaps the most cosmically parasitized
individuals in recent history, causing them to personally function as the worst
criminal psychopaths and parasites on humanity as well as the American citizens
that have ever existed. Some insiders have leaked rumors that the “beyond black”
psychotronic technology is used to “hive” the susceptible subjects who have weak
character or are psychopaths–this involves the aerosol spraying of something
called “nano smart dust” from CIA or DOD contract aircraft; this dust is
magnetic, has CPU properties when properly flashed after being inhaled and
migrating to the brain across the blood brain barrier, and tends to create hived
behaviors rendering top politicians, police and intel as mentally subject to the
psychotronics of the central hive, usually mounted on towers or space platforms.
These particular nano particles were discovered from electron microscopy and
chemical analysis of the magnetic particles in the brains of birds, bees, and
other insects which appear to be externally navigated and controlled to serve
their hive which transmits inter-dimensional signals via particle entangelment.
Don’t expect the USG to confirm these rumors soon, because if true it is the
glue that keeps their criminal psychopaths on script and one of their deepest
secrets at the same beyond-black unacknowledged program level of their triple
helix, self-healing hybrid super-soldiers with focused Psi-power and mild to
moderate spontaneous remote viewing.
9. These researchers believe that individuals cannot become infected
with this Cosmic Parasite or demon unless they have been somehow compromised to
believe that it is okay to violate the Golden rule. Those born with a
lack of conscience, extreme narcissists or psychopaths can obviously become
infected quite easily if this is true. So as this narrative goes, the Cabal
recruits by searching for those that are easily compromisable. If someone has
strong character, deep integrity and refuses to harm others unless in
self-defense, the cabal is not interested in these folks. Cabal wannabees must
be comfortable pedophiling and sacrificing young innocent children and creating
mass-murder and mass suffering through the pre-arrangement and provocation or
wars and mass death and destruction.
10. Take the very richest men in America and the world, the top Banksters and
Industrialists and you can assume that most of these folks were only
able to get this massive wealth and power by “selling their souls” to Lucifer
in a very strange transaction to obtain “untold wealth, power and prestige” that
some who later left the “cult” have spoken about. Until recently, unless some
former members who refused approached or later rejected these contracts had come
forth, such secret rituals would still be unknown. However that last couple of
years some younger Rock stars who “sold out” have come forth, admitted it
publicly and bragged about it like a badge of honor. Formerly these “blood
contracts” were kept secret due to fear of rejection from general society.
Apparently nowadays such is no longer a worry since society has been transformed
into being so pluralistic.
11. If anyone wants to climb the Cabal’s food chain and obtain higher
status and position, they must be “players”, be known luciferians, have
proven themselves to be comfortable attending Bohemian Grove human sacrifice
rites and worship of Moloch, be able to function as criminal psychopaths and be
able to do all kinds of horrible things to other innocent people, things they
would never want or expect to be done to themselves. Thus these folks have a
complete disconnect between their operating ideology which is completely
sociopathic and all the harm and suffering they cause and are responsible for.
It is also considered standard procedure to have been “adequately” human
compromised in deviant acts that have been video recorded and held as later
possible blackmail to be sure folks will do what the cabal wants. In years past
some new and married “action officers” in various upper level privatized intel
groups were tested early on by being offered very expensive “call-girls” for an
adventure away from home. If they accepted, the “meetings” were video
recorded and these men were moved up in the command structure. If they
refused, the were not fired but were never promoted and kept away from the
cabal’s deep secrets. Later on the tests offered them could involved
perversions, pedophilia or some other highly deviant act of evil. If the
person took the carrot, they then were propelled to the top and identified as a
real player worthy of trust.
12. Top insider Zbigniew Brzezinski has admitted as much that the NWO is
failing because of the spontaneous emergence of a new worldwide
populism and this is especially troublesome for the NWO Globalists. (1)
13. The cabal and it main stateside agent the SSG has declared a covert
war against “we the people” and intends to use their cutouts the
neo-Bolshevik zios and NeoCons to set up the Department of Homeland Security to
serve as the main attack force used to instigate a large internal American civil
war and thus serve as a New American Cheka to mass-murder up to about 80% of
Americans and institute a massive Red Terror inside America. DHS is buying up
billions of how point rounds, 2700 tanks and 30,000 armed drones to attack and
murder American dissidents with. The USG official lists of potential and
suspected terrorists is growing so large and inclusive almost 75% of all
Americans qualify for at least one list. (2)
14. There is a force higher up the Pyramid of Power than the Ruling
Cabal run out of the City of London. It is the Old Black Nobility
(OBN), also known to some insiders as the European Circle of twelve and this is
comprised of the old luciferian black nobility families of Europe that control
the Vatican, German banking and all world Central banking including the City of
London Banksters and their stateside franchisees the federal Reserve/Rockefeller
bunch and have been considered the top of the hierarchy. Actually, however, the
OBN is not at the very top, but the “Third Force” is. The Third Force is reputed
to be Lucifer himself, the god of this world, the prince of the “power of

the air”, the master of the alien/ETs and Ufos and “alien technology”. As this
narrative goes, as hard as he tries, he cannot usurp God Almighty, cannot match
his might or creative power nor can he create human life and breath the soul
into it. He is not omniscient and is using the SSG and all its various high tech
spy agencies to attempt to create omniscience. He knows there is a final battle
coming between his forces and God Almighty’s and he believes he can win if he
gets control of the whole world, consolidates it into a NWO order uses it to
build a collection of the highest tech space weapons possible. This Third Force
is allegedly limited and constrained by the “Cosmic Rules of Play” required by
God Almighty which requires that he must make sure the public is at least
minimally informed ahead a time of his plans, has the right to refuse to
cooperate, and must agree to be compromised before any cosmic parasite or demon
can be internalized.
15. NSA and almost all American intel has allegedly been hijacked by zio
Israeli-firsters and infil-Traitors but there has been a recent
awakening near the top of these orgs and traitors in charge are being exposed
and will be dealt with. Most of these individuals who control these agencies
have either been mind-kontrolled, or are criminal psychopaths, or have been
bought off by Bankster financial zio espionage fronts like Aipac, or have been
human compromised and are being blackmailed into submission. Human compromise
ops employ sophisticate honey traps and frequent use of scopolamine derivatives
and are typically video recorded and kept on file for later coercion.
16. NSA and other American intel have been providing secret information
obtained from wiretaps and other means to the Ruling Cabal to use to blackmail
and coerce politicians, judges and officials to do what they want. This has been
rumored to include two top US Senators, one a closeted homosexual and one
Supreme Court Justice, another closeted homosexual.
17. The FBI is basically a cover-up mechanism for the Ruling Cabal,
also engages in espionage against truth exposure such as with Cointelpro type
activities and has run numerous illegal murder ops out of its notorious Division
5 to cover-up numerous illegal USG activities and to murder numerous intel
whistle-blowers. The FBI runs cover-up operations for the elite pedophile human
kidnapping/compromise operations run out of military bases like those run out of
Offutt in Omaha.
18. About 95% of all the illegal narcotics are trafficked into America
authorized by the USG by the CIA or under their protection in joint efforts.
The world’s largest crime syndicate, the zios are also allowed to bring in
massive amounts of these illegal drugs as long as the proper higher ups receive
their cut which is currently 10% off the top. The DEA is involved in these
massive controlled deliveries which come into almost every major international
airport in America and many small ones and are allowed supposedly in stings
designed to catch the “Mr. Big drug dealers”, but alas they never succeed and
these deliveries just keep a coming.
19. Numerous experts now claim we live in a police state. No, that is
not exactly correct, we live in a Gangster State which uses a massive
internal security mechanism to crush dissenters. Correctly stated, Washington DC
should have a big sign upon entering DC:“Gangsters ‘R Us”. The USG is a big
table of gangsters with plenty of room for any new gangster that ponies up the
bucks for entry, and this includes the large drug cartels which are technically
“joint ventures” with some small American Intel factions. Actually it’s like
this: we have the WORST government the MOST money can buy, or the biggest
collection of gangsters who have the necessary money to buy a seat at the table
of control. Any criminal group can buy a seat the table of government inside
America if they can pony up the necessary funds. So it is all about money and
this is where the 70,000+ K Street Lobbyists come in. They funnel the money to
the politicians in terms of campaign contributions, lucrative speaking
honorariums, revolving door job promises, lucrative consulting contracts for
relatives and business partners, special mortgage rates, offshore account gifts,
free use of lavish condos all expenses paid as guests, etc. Doubt this, then
just examine the net worth statements of politicians after a few terms in
office, especially those who are owned by Aipac and serve a zio mouthpieces,
folks like McCain and Graham. And a recent study of top paid Ceo’s suggests
rampant corruption. (3)
20. The CIA has run secret Mind-kontrol experiments and massive
psychotronic harassment campaigns

against dissenters and whistle-blowers along with certain
groups in miltel and gotten away with it for many years. Except now folks on the
inside are staring to talk and leak and it won’t be long until these operations
are fully exposed and those responsible will be hounded, harassed and eventually
dealt with. Almost every major psychotronic operation is being exposed now
through high level and mid level leaks. Yes, even the sensitive programs now
being established in large urban public schools and retail chains with HD
cameras and mikes directly connected in real time to local fusion centers where
complex face and voice recognition software is run along with the administration
of pulsed beam microwaves to shape and modify subject’s behaviors are being
leaked and disclosed. And they are all highly illegal because they provide
no informed consent which is required by federal and state law. By the way the
use of these devices by local Fusions centers are major Felonies, since they
damage some children and can cause cancer and leukemia clusters.
21. Nationwide, the police have been mind-kontrolled by the deployment
of high tech pulsed beam microwave, constant-on shoulder held radio systems
which are known to be able to entrain aggressive attitudes in many police
officers and can cause parietal lobe or temporal lobe psychomotor seizures
during arrests which can make the officers get temporarily enraged, some with
transient psychotic “rage blackouts” at the time of their acting-out, when they
go nuts and beat or murder victims unjustifiably and use excessive force,
engaging in abject police brutality of the worst kind. Cancer clusters are now
starting to form and most police have no idea that after many years of use their
brains are being changed and in many cases their souls are being snatched. In
time it will be shown that like the hand held radar guns police used to set
between their legs between cars, these units are cancer causing. This cancer
from these shoulder held radios as it starts to appear, of course, will be
minimized and covered up.
22. Every American Intel agency has had its own execution squad.
At present there are 37 American, DOD and/or privatized defense Contractor intel
agencies and counting, many of these un-admitted due to being part of the black,
special access or the beyond black “un-acknowledged programs ‘. Each of these
agencies has had its own execution squad for terminations with extreme prejudice
after a signed intelligence or executive finding is made and signed. The
Administration has had J-Soc (Joint Special operation Command, supposedly still
takes some orders from chicanery, who heart is fine and all that was an act to
provide sympathy and an easy “faked death that is believable” in case folks
attempt to prosecute him for war crimes). The US military has had SoLic Special
operations, Low Intensity Conflict to do its dirty work when necessary. The FBI
has had Division 5. Most assassinations, especially those related to military
contractor whistle-blowers have been routinely set up to be “arkensides”, these
are the Dixi mob Arkansas style obvious murders diagnosed as suicide to create a
strong and obvious message to other potential whistle-blowers that “we can do
what we want and get away with it anytime we want, so you better not cross us”.
If you like Chicken you will understand who and what the Dixie mob is which used
to be known as the Enterprise. Of course you can always ask John Cathey, he will
be happy to clarify this for you.
23. Traditionally anyone disclosing real, documented Ufo secrets or
secrets about underground bases or beyond black” space war projects, was quickly
“terminated with extreme prejudice” (TWEPed). The last few years this
has been almost completely stopped in regard to UFO disclosures, thanks to the
Disclosure Project by Steven Greer, MD, and the efforts of many others on the
inside, and a rumored deep split in MJ-12 between the younger members and the
“old guard” who want no disclosure. TWEPs are still used in those cases
involving those who investigate and uncover current criminal operations which
could form a direct threat to the continued office-holding of those in high
political, military or intel officials. Two examples of these USG “signed
findings” murders are the DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, or the Rolling Stone
Reporter Michael Hastings who was onto a story so hot it would have likely
brought down the current administration. Senators Paul Wellstone, Gov. Carnahan
and John Tower were also murdered by the USG with “signed findings”, some refer
to as “signed classified intelligence findings”, which are technically an
authorization, an executive extra-judicial order to murder as authorized by
Potus or a top intel Official.
24. Extensive mass mind-kontrol is now actively being used against the
American people to dumb them down, entrain an accepting mood of an
underlying anxiety, false beliefs and an inability to get involved in changing
the USG, that is, decreased political activism. These measures include massive
deployment of psychotronics as the pulsed beam microwaves of cell phone towers,
Wi-Fi, new top secret designed street lights, aircraft sprayed chemtrails which
dispense smart-dust which is comprised of magnetized nano particles which are
breathed in, and eventually cross the blood-brain barrier after which they can
be flashed and activated to entrain desired brain patterns, and these aerosol
compounds are highly toxic providing a secondary eugenics effect too (4). Many
vaccines now are alleged to contain nano-particles of hive-behavior-producing
“smart-dust” which can be remotely activated it crosses the blood-brain barrier.
It has been hypothesized but not yet proven that these particles can serves as a
means to id individuals after they have been “set”, serving as an internal RFID

25. Hollywoodism and much of the youth music culture is occult based and
run by the Ruling Cabal as a means to compromise America’s youth and
uses luciferian/satanic symbolism to prepare the way for infection of the
“cosmic parasite”.
26. The Ruling Cabal has engaged in massive efforts to destroy normal
male and female sex roles in order to destroy marriage, create unisex
and a whole new increasingly large population of homosexuals which will help
lower the birthrate. This is being done through the administration of gender
bending chemicals to the masses, aka endocrine disruptors deployed in certain
plastics, detergents and foodstuffs. In the 1950’s the CIA and the US military
experimented with the “gay bomb” concept, the idea of dropping bio warfare
agents which were comprised of powerful gender bending agents mixed with
hallucinogens like BZ to render the enemy useless as defenders and tested this
bio-weapon on unknowing subjects in numerous cities. The Cabal has deployed
neo-Bolshevik methods such as multi-culturalism, diversity, political
correctness, feminism, and teaching that perversion is normal and good, or even
desirable to grade-schoolers as a first stage in compromising young Americans
and making them more susceptible to the “cosmic parasite” later on. The goal
here of the cabal is to destroy the fabric of America by eliminating its
borders, language and culture. Obviously loose southern borders which are
un-enforced allowing massive illegal aliens, and massive immigration of legal
aliens helps to destroy what America is, and make it easier to Globalize it and
eventually “balkanize” it.
27. Almost all cell phones contain RFID chips so they can be pinged by
satellite to give one’s near exact location even if the cell phone is
off and un-powered with no battery. Almost all cell phones can now be used to
listen in and their cameras can be activated without the cell phone being turned
on. Most cell phones can now be remotely turned on and off by fusion centers at
28. Electronic telephones and many Cable TV and Satellite boxes can be
used for real time spying by Intel agencies. How come no one is ever
given informed consent about this when they discuss arrangements for service?
29. Some video games have embedded mind-kontrol programs that entrain
violent mental images which can be later activated to help strip away
the subjects very soul and make them more susceptible to the cosmic parasite.
Many large public school and retail chains are “rumored” to now have
“experimental” HD camera systems and mikes with facial recognition software
hooked up to local fusion centers and interfaced with WI-fi or other proprietary
top secret pulsed beam microwave mind-kontrol systems run by the NSA. Don’t
expect the NSA to soon confirm this publicly either. And don’t expect any
informed consent either which is required since it is illegal to
experiment on or deliver any medically active events to patients without
informed consent.
30. It is alleged by insiders that many current vaccines contain DNA or
RNA fragments and compounds which are either eugenic population controls or
mind-kontrol, or dumbing-down mechanisms.Many contain catalytic virus
and bacteria which can be later activated by cross pollination with designer
cold viruses. Some of these can be activated to become lethal in the young, old
or those with current health issues. Some contain nano-particles (smart-dust)
which have psychotronic properties when properly flashed by pulsed beam
microwaves. As with the early polio vaccines, many vaccines still carry certain
cancer causing viral fragments such as SV-40 monkey virus going all the way back
to the original monkey cell lines. Some current vaccines are also based on cell
lines obtained from aborted fetuses.
31. The wall street Banksters are making untold Billions off of the
mortgage scam through a complex pattern of criminal fraud, MERS and
illegal packaging and reselling of mortgage investments without properly
transferring titles.They are double and in some cases triple dipping due to Govt
mortgage insurance and various crafty tricks with repossessions. Expect to see
this scam fully exposed in the future as but one other way banks scam money from
vulnerable uniformed citizens and share the funds with the SSG for “deep black,
off the book” covert operations, like another S & L scam or an another Enron.
32. The BP oil spill and Fukushima are both Cabal staged biological
warfare “death star” attacks on humanity, designed to create massive
depopulation in the years to follow. Massive aerosol “chemtrail” spraying by DOD
contract aircraft out of a southern Arizona CIA and DOD contractor airline
service and some other locations is loaded with various toxic chemicals designed
to aid in mind-kontrolling and dumbing-down the masses and dulling their
emotions as well as increasing the death rate and creating future droughts and
famines. These chemtrails are dual use and one use is a quantum mechanics
related space-war use which are highly classified in one particular
unacknowledged “beyond-black” program. The massive deployment of custom
engineered “eugenicized” GMO seeds is just another covert method of eugenics
designed to drastically thin the herd while boosting Big Pharma and big
33. The Bankster engineered worldwide debt crises is about to enter its
final death spiral at home inside America. The master controller, the
Third Force is about finished with its Bankster/zio cutouts and is going to
throw them under the bus, soon thereafter followed by the NWO system. This will
all be accomplished by the spontaneously emerging new worldwide populism thanks
to the Internet’s world wide penetration and formation of a new worldwide
conscience-collective. As the Bankster/zio system fails the Third Force will
attempt to hijack this new worldwide populism and use it to set up his own world
kingdom run out of Jerusalem. Of course the complete exposure of Israelis to be
the fake Jews of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 will be universals as they are thrown under
the bus.Zionism will be fully exposed for its crimes and will be eradicated as
will their Bankster system. The US Petro Dollar system appears to now be failing
and the BRICS nations trade agreements and others like them seem to mark the end
of Big oils hegemony through the City of London Banksters using America as its
34. With the advent of the new populism emerging worldwide and a whole
new commitment to truth-telling by various USG, Military, Intel and alphabet
agents as well as some fairly high ranking DHS folks, every single deep secret
is now getting leaked and exposed. Often starting with rumors, and
later followed up by actual docs. And now with the advent of the new parallel
Russian computer circuitry being jointly developed with China as well as the new
inter-dimensional quantum computers experts predict a complete end to
cryptography and intel secrets, that is, the eventual complete end to government
secrecy. This of course is very alarming to the SSG and various high ranking USG
and Intel officials who are dirty and infected with the cosmic parasite, and it
is becoming quite clear to some insiders and top experts that the coming end of
secrecy is like a runaway freight train that cannot be stopped.
35.The Ruling cabal’s greatest secret is that they are unable to infect
and control those Americans who refuse to violate the Golden Rule
(except in self-defense) know and keep a strong commitment to the US
Constitution and Bill of Rights and refuse to be compromised or accept the lies
and evil of the Ruling Cabal or its representatives or agents. They know that if
more 12% of the people fully wake up they are finished, and we are at 10% now
pushing 11%. Yes, research suggests 12% is a major societal tipping point and
once reached, it’s bye-bye time for the ruling cabal eventually, one way or
This recent flap over the big government lie that Assad used poison gas against
the Syrian people is a great opportunity to see this newly emerging world
populism work.The CMMM has been broadcasting 24/7 that Assad did it. And yet
most of the alternative media on the Internet has claimed just the opposite,
that US, Israeli & Saudi financed and supported Al Cia Duh has been responsible.
This is actually a titanic struggle between the CMMM and the Cabal (old guard)
on the one hand, and the newly emerging worldwide populism fueled by Internet
based truth from the alternative news services of the Internet on the other hand
(the new guard). This is an epic struggle and even if the old guard wins this
battle, its win will be turned back on itself and will magnify the opposition
aganst it from this newly emerging worldwide Internet based populism, the new
Ron Paul has exposed the lies and deceit behind the USG’s and the CMMM’s
position blaming Assad. Watch his remarkable presentation.
YouTube -
Veterans Today
In England the alternative media won this battle and Parliament voted against
armed intervention in Syria because the majority of the British people believed
that alternative media wholeheartedly. Obama has said he blames Assad for the
gas attack but will attack Syria only if he obtains approval from Congress when
it returns September 9, 2013. Aipac has traditionally owned almost all the US
Senators but less of the Congress-persons.
You can bet Aipac and all the zios as well as the top controllers in the FBI and
NSA will be engaged in an extensive “influence” campaign to manipulate Congress
to approve this strike on Assad even through Israel, Saudi Arabia and the CIA
are responsible for setting up this false flag intended to start another big
Mideast war to take down Syria and Iran on Israel’s, the Banksters and Big oil’s
behalf. (5) This means numerous pressured phone calls and perhaps even some
middle of the night “not to worry” FBI visits, like those mention in G. Gordon
Liddy’s book, Will. these master controllers, blackmailers and
manipulators will be pulling in every mark they are owed by Congress-persons,
bet on it. And even them they may fail.
This is a perfect test of the will of the new emerging populism created by the
worldwide Internet. It will be very interesting to see how this whole matter
turns out, because if Congress back down from all these zio manipulations and
blackmail, it means that Zionism is actually in its final death throes and will
take down the NWO with it.
It also means that these neoCons and zio madmen may institute another major 911
false-flag type terror attack inside America, this time a major nuclear false
flag inside a large American city, perhaps Chicago. In Chitwon it would be easy
for them to institute martial law and manage DHS and FEMA to their
specifications in order to reprime the “War on Terror”. Every day more and more
Americans are finally starting to understand that the “war on terror” is a phony
concoction used to justify all these perpetual, illegal unconstitutional,
un-provoked, undeclared foreign wars of acquisition of behalf of Big oil, the
city of London Banksters, Israel and zionism.

This phony “war on terror” is being used to justify a huge internal police state
buildup by DHS which is now accusing almost any good American Patriot and
American-firster of being a domestic terrorist, especially Vets, returning Vets,
Catholics and Evangelical Christians, folks who could never be terrorists. And
even the US Army and Fema has been teaching their staff that the Founding
fathers were domestic terrorists and would not be allowed in the services today.
This is truly disgusting and must be immediately exposed and stopped.
YouTube -
Veterans Today
And it is becoming exceedingly clear that not only has the average American has
come to strongly distrust the USG on any matter related to the Mideast conflicts
but is now questioning the mainstream major mass media as never before. Soon
mainstream American will understand that 911 was an inside job, a false-flag
staged gladio style terrorist act by the NeoCons and zios and by elements within
the Top USAF command, and American and Israeli administrations.
The jig is darned near up for these 911 perps and it won’t be too long and they
will be chased down to the ends of the earth and made accountable to a people’s
court of some sort. Many top military officers now understand who did 911 and
that it was an inside job and are hopping mad at the treason and Israeli
espionage committed by zionist infil-Traitors, and treason and sedition
committed by traitors in the Executive and high military command at the time.
For the USG to claim that any use of gas in Syria is an outrage and somebody
must be bombed with cruise missiles is one of the greatest acts of hipocrasy
imaginable. The USG has deployed biological warfare agents in Vietnam (agent
orange) and such massive amounts of depleted uranium (DU) in the Mideast that at
least 50% of American soldiers deployed are seriously poisoned, and millions of
Mid-easterners are also poisoned, with massive increases in serious birth
defects due to genetic damage.
High USG and SSG officials bear complete responsibility for this and in years to
come those still alive will be held accountable one way or another as the world
demands eventually justice. And of course the USG and the UN have deployed
covert eugenics agents in vaccines in Africa for years and also deployed their
custom gene spliced HIV virus made at Fort Detrick in their first hepatitis B
vaccines in New York, Miami and San Francisco and then Africa.
Right now it looks like there is a fair chance Americans will wake up and begin
to take their country back from the Cabal who hijacked it in 1913 over this
latest Syrian flap. But actually, it’s only a matter of time. And when it
happens it will be due to the energizing influence and massive daily barrage of
“truth nuggets” provided by the alternative news and the hundreds of Internet
truth-tellers. The alternative media is providing truth to the masses
worldwide and creating a growing tide of spontaneously emerging world populism
that cannot be stopped, a grass roots populism that is now demanding an end to
the secrecy and massive corruption in government and large corporations
accompanied by truth, justice and peace for all.