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Apr 01, 2017
The Sleeper Cell
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The Sleeper Cell Removal
Chaneled by Kathryn E. May
Now let us go on to talk about the removal of the sleeper cell.
Now all of you join me. Sit quietly in your chair be comfortable. If you're in
the North or in the East, wrap a warm blanket around yourself and be cozy in
your chair and let us begin.
First you must breathe deeply. Experience yourself whole. Feel your body.
Feel the breath... gently. Feel yourself expanding to bring in plenty of oxygen
and allow that to circulate through your brain. And as you do, move in your
brain into the center position to the place that Kathryn has taught you to go,
when you do the Visual Centering, right back there near your pineal gland, not
inside it but right near it.
That is your Soul position. It's the place in your brain where all of your
intuition, reflexes, memory, reasoning, creativity... everything comes
together. That is where you feel you are most YOU. Now take the oxygen to that
place in your brain where you experience yourself as you, the soul that you
are. The one who has been observing this life, keeping track all along. Now
breathe to that place in your brain and then shine your Light through your
brain. Feel each part of your brain, and those of you who have already done
this exercise, by all means, come along with me and do it again because you'll
learn something more about your brain as you do so.
Shine the Light around in your brain, especially forward in the part of your
brain they call the pre-frontal cortex. See where the line of your third eye
would go. Place your finger on your forehead and then point back from that
point on your forehead to the center of your brain, where your soul stance is.
Along that line is where the sleeper cell, the dark cell, was placed.
Now use your connections back there in the center of your brain, your
connections to your Higher Self. Go straight up through the top of your head,
and there you can feel your Higher Self and your Higher Self connected to God
and to All That Is. Let yourself feel the warmth and the Light shining down on
you, down through your channel, down through all your chakras and into the
Earth, and anchor yourself there into the heart of Terra.
There, feel the power of that energy coursing through you. And you can, you can
let it travel either way. You can open your crown chakra and let the Light just
pour down through you and down into the Earth, or you can absorb from the Earth
up into your body as well, and let those energies mix within you.
Now, with your Light, go to the place in your brain where, if you have not yet
removed the sleeper cell, you will feel a headache or a little twinging or an
ache, usually close to the center, close to where the two halves of your brain
come together. It interferes with the exchange between right and left brain.
That's why so many of you have become "left brain people," as you call it.
Those who can do calculations, analysis, detailed work, but you have trouble
with your emotions, understanding yourself, and so on. This is a sign of having
carried the sleeper cell and having developed around it in a way that would
allow you to continue to live, but handicapped because you haven't had the full
use of your entire brain operating in synchrony.
So just as you would see your body eject a splinter, let the energy come up from
the Earth through your chakras, right up into your brain and right out - push it
out. Right out through the top of your head and give it to your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self, who is cheering you on and is delighted that you are doing
this work. Give it to them. They will take it to God, put it into the great
bowl with the collection of all the old sleeper cells, all the dark cells which
will now be dissolved and returned to the ocean of molecules. And you, beloved
ones, are free.
Now, include with this your firm intention: "I remove this dark cell from my
own brain, and I declare at this moment, I declare that the contract I agreed to
before I came here is null and void. I will carry no longer a dark cell within
me. I will no longer be controlled by the thought forms that were created by
that dark cell."
Now I will tell you the primary thought form that emanated from that cell, which
is what we agreed to before we came here, was the idea that you are separate
from God. It was the dark ones who used that, very cleverly I might add, to
create programming, propaganda that evolved into religions, political
philosophies, social movements, all that use that to develop ideas feelings,
thoughts that would create: anxiety, fear especially fear of lack, competition
between and amongst you, depression, despair, the feelings that you'll never be
able to be enough. You'll never be good enough. You'll never be accepted.
You're always alone.
All of those feelings were emanations that either began with the sleeper cell or
were trained into you, were the programing that was designed deliberately by the
dark ones to control all of human kind. It was the plan of the cabal that all
humans be enslaved. That all be put to work - those who were allowed to survive
- in service to the dark ones. That was the "Master Plan," and they used the
feelings of being separate to play on all of us to create feelings of
worthlessness - not just separate from God but unworthy of God, unworthy of
love, unworthy of happiness. That beloved ones you must now learn to completely
remove it from your thinking.
Now that you have removed the sleeper cell you must now deprogram your own
brain. Now to do that you allow the Light to pour down through you. Feel it
like like a wave of golden honey flowing through your brain, your body, your
heart filling every space. Filling all those crevices that were so painful,
where the dark thoughts were connected.
Now, be aware that for many of you there were deep connections from the dark
cell to other areas in your body and your heart. For instance the brain stem.
There was a direct line from the sleeper cell to your fight-or-flight response,
and this is why when people would experience something, when strong emotions
would be brought to the surface the first reaction would be fear. Now when you
think of human life and when you think of your actual sensory abilities and your
heart capacity, it makes no sense for anybody to say something like, "I have a
fear of commitment." That makes no sense whatsoever. We're social, "social
animals," as they call you.
You're fully able to love with your hearts, completely love. Humans are
famously loyal, so it is not that there is something wrong with your human
capabilities, not at all. All of these painful ideas were what you might think
of as outcroppings from the dark cell and the dark programing. Now, that dark
programing created habits, patterns, thoughts, actions that became what you
thought was normal, what you thought of as just being human.
None of that... beloved ones hear me! Anxiety is not a normal state for a human
being. Look at a happy baby. Look at how they look at a sun beam with joy.
They kick their little legs. They wave their little arms. They laugh at the
sight of an animal. This is how we're made. This is what we are designed to
feel. It is only the dark programing that has made us a race of foot-dragging,
stooped, filled-with-worry, anxious, despairing beings.
Look to your thinking now, beloved ones. Examine every thought, every gesture,
every eye blink even and root out any hint of that dark negative thinking. You
are not lacking. You live on a planet of abundance in a Universe that is made
of love. There is no lack. There is only the illusion that you will suffer
want all your life. It is an illusion.
Every single human on this planet has an option if they reach out, if they look
around, if they make a point of searching gently for that glimmer of Light.
Anyone can find joy in their hearts - even one who is in solitary confinement,
even one who is terminally ill can look inside to your heart to that center of
your mind where you are joy. And the circumstances of your life don't even
matter because there is joy. You only need to breathe it. You only need to
reach for it.
We who are here in the higher dimensions expressing joy and feeling great love
for you, we truly wish for you to feel that. We celebrate now to see that at
last humankind will shake off this cloak of despair and anxiety, for it is
nothing but a program, and a program that's designed out of dark thought forms.
And so now challenge yourself. Locate in yourself what that program is and
search out the individual thought forms that make it up. When you can do that,
you will truly walk with me into the Light.
I send you all my deepest love. The Company of Heaven is working so hard for
you, our beloved ones.
We wish for you to be able to come with us to celebrate this wonderful,
wonderful time that is the blooming of our beloved planet Earth and all of human
And now, I will turn over the talking stick to my beloved friends here, who have
more really important information for you. And my brother Michael is here.
Well you think of him as Archangel Michael, don't you? We sometimes tease him;
we even call him, "Mike." (Laughter) And so, I will turn this over to Meg and
to our beautiful Christine and Eleanora, and they will continue the call for
Namaste all.
ENGLISH: Removal of the Sleeper Cell Meditation
Meditacion Para La Extracción De La Célula Dormida