This post exposes the darker secrets of government mind control projects,
including MK
Ultra and Project

In the last post (34.
Kill Your TV!) you were introduced to the Illuminati – the secret organization of
underdeveloped men that operates from the shadows to control the public, using
television and subliminal programming as their primary weapons.

We also explored some basic elements of mind control, covering advertising, brainwashing,
and subliminal
programming; and hopefully after reading that you’ve taken my advice to

This post will pick up where we left off in the previous post, and armed with
a basic understanding of mind control (and a broken television set), we will now
be taking a look at some of the deeper aspects of the things being done by the
shadow government in the area of mind sciences.
Specifically, we will be looking at CIA mind control projects known as MK
Ultra and Project
Monarch, where you will get a solid understanding of how mind
control works on an individual level.
What you learn in this post will be highly important in subsequent posts,
where you will see how the same mind control techniques discussed here are used
against you and the public as a whole, through
what is known as psychological
warfare and mass
mind control.
Be forewarned that some of the material in this post might
seem quite “negative”, but please note that my intention here is certainly not
to scare or shock you. On the contrary in fact, as the first step to regaining
control of your mind and making changes for the better is awareness and understanding what
is going on.

Please also be assured that there is a reason why you will be shown the
information you will see here. There is light
at the end of the tunnel as
well as a definite end-goal that you are being led towards in this
series of posts, so please lend me your patient ear and let the ideas grow.

Lastly, as we’ll be dealing with psychology, it would be unmannerly to not
reward you for getting through some testing material, so to give you something
to look forward to there will be a little snack waiting
for you at the end of this post. 

In the interest of full disclosure, I want to emphasize that I have no formal
education in psychology or mind sciences. As such, please regard everything you
read here as the schizophrenic ramblings of a mad man sitting in his mothers

Actual Disclaimers
This post contains explicit imagery and adult themes, so discretion is advised.

If you have been a victim of Monarch programming please note that this article
contains many examples of common triggers, so please
take necessary precautionary measures.
(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry as I’m not trying to
lobotomize you).

Table of Contents
MK Ultra
Short History of MK Ultra
MK Ultra in Action
Project Monarch
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Alter Ego Triggers
Mind Control Symbolism
Introduction to Monarch Symbols
Blue Bird
Multiple Personality Symbolism
Monarch Butterfly
White Rabbit
Sex Kittens
Mickey Mouse
Vow of Silence
‘Silence’ Programming
Freemasonic Oath of Silence
Why This Matters To You

As you saw in the previous post (34.
Kill Your TV!), the world is controlled by a very small group of people, who are well
aware of how the human mind works.
This post will build off what we covered in the previous post, and will thus
presume that you already have some understanding of the basics of mind control
works – including brainwashing and subliminal programming.
As such, this post isn’t going to dally around, but will let some hard-hitting
truth loose right out of the gate…

There will be some rather crazy stuff discussed, so to make sure that I don’t
lose you I want to briefly introduce you to a psychological phenomenon that
often makes it tough to digest certain things, called cognitive

There are some absurd things going on in this world, and it might be tough to
acknowledge some harsh realities and facts that are foreign to our daily lives…
Thus, it is often difficult to even consider the most obvious of facts, simply
because they conflict with our accepted reality or beliefs.

Now, this is not a slight on you in any way, because we all have this psychological mechanism –
and it is completely natural for the brain to not want to deal with shocking

That said, by being aware of this mechanism, we can
understand why our brain is telling us to go look at cats on YouTube instead of
facing difficult information.
Nobody – not even me believe it or not, likes to discover inconvenient truths…

Whatever one chooses to believe, the bottom line here is this:

With that it mind, sometimes you’ve just got to be a bit ballsy and face the
facts no matter how uncomfortable it is…

And with that said, let’s continue on our journey down the rabbit hole…

1. MK Ultra

Short History of MK Ultra
To start off, we’re going to take a look at a short video about the origins of
modern mind control science…
… and it’s one that involves this gentleman:

Now I know you might be thinking… “Joseph
Mengele? Creepy Nazi’s? No thanks!“…

… but before that cognitive dissonance kicks in, hit the play button and watch
this 8min video for a short history on
modern mind control…
To elaborate on what was said in the video above I will borrow sections of this
article, which will be italicized here as well as a little further down.
The roots of occult rituals and practices of “mind control” are deep in human
But it was World War II that accelerated mind control research, so that a new
secret science came up. The pioneer was the ruthless Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele,
who was well known for his torture experiments. His
methods researched, what maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and
what minimum amount of love he needed.
The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would
never do by his free will – so as to
create a perfectly obedient slave.

In the immediate aftermath of WW2 hundreds of top Nazi scientists were
imported to the US as part of Operation
Paperclip, given new identities, and integrated into the
newly-created CIA.
Notice on the right that the CIA was created in 1947
– immediately after
ww2, in
what was a merger of Nazi scientists and the existing American intelligence (the
Among the Nazi imports were many scientists who had been conducting mind control
experiments in war-time Germany, including Joseph Mengele, and MK
Ultra was a continuation of that work.

To get a basic idea of what MK
Ultra involved, here is some information from wikipedia (yes,
this stuff isn’t exactly a secret!)…

As you can see above, MK
Ultra started in the early
1950’s (i.e. immediately after the Nazi scientists arrived)… and was then
“officially halted” in 1973…
In other words, these friendly scientists with strong connections to the Nazi SS
did 20+ years of illegal and inhumane research into human psychology…
… (officially) involving
80+ institutions
149 sub-projects, and
185 private researchers…
… and then they just chucked it all in the bin in 1973, never to be heard of or
used again…

To illustrate that these projects are still very much alive and well, let’s take
a look at some short examples of MK
Ultra in action…
MK Ultra in Action

The 3 short clips below illustrate that mind control is real, and can be found
in politics as well as in entertainment.
In case these 3 examples aren’t enough to convince you that something is going
on, rest assured that there are other compelling examples further down.
1. Al
Roker MK Ultra mind control glitch on live television (0:45):
2. Bill
Clinton under hypnosis (2min):
3. Kanye
West loses the plot (0:31):
Now that you’ve gotten a little taste for MK
Ultra and some quick examples,
we’re going to dig a bit deeper into the subject of mind control, by taking a
look at one particularly noteworthy MK
Ultra project, called Project
Be reminded that there is a very good reason why I’m dragging you through this
uncomfortable stuff, and its importance and relevance to you will become apparent at the end of
this post.
2. Project Monarch

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
To again borrow from here;
Project Monarch deals with so called trauma-based
mind control. It arose consequently from Project Paperclip and
the projects that followed, although it officially never existed.
The emphasis of Monarch consists of gaining mind control over single
individuals. Therefore, Joseph Mengele was its great trailblazer.
Trauma-based mind control aims
to fragment the mind of
the so-called “Monarch victim”, thus to split
the personality repeatedly
and deliberately.
The result was called in psychiatry “multiple
personality disorder” (MPD); the new term is “dissociative
identity disorder” (DID).

In a nutshell, pain and trauma can split the human mind with walls
of amnesia as a survival/defense
mechanism known
as dissociation.

In short, dissociation creates multiple “identities”, known as “altered states,
alter ego’s, or alters.
Each created personality fragment can then be scientifically programmed in the
further process at will. One single slave theoretically can own thousands of
alters, whereby each alter usually believes to be the only one and knows nothing
about the existence of the others (due to amnesia).

Dissociative Identity Dissorder doesn’t appear naturally. Hence
the secret mind control experiments, psychiatrists of public institutions,
especially in USA, found themselves confronted with an unknown phenomenon with
increasing extend.
To prevent the emergence of astonishment in society, the Illuminati conducted
systematical conditioning of
mankind by using the film industry [to convince the world] that DID was
something common.
Some blatant examples:
The Three Faces of Eve (1957),
Fight Club (1999),
Me, Myself & Irene (2000),
United States of Tara (2009),
Black Swan (2010).
The theme of multiple personalities can also be found in many different
cartoons, that are still today being made into blockbuster movies, such as
Scooby Doo
The Mask
and many others…
Needless to say, all of these cartoons and movies are purely propaganda to normalize the idea of people having multiple

The idea we’re shown by cartoons and movies is that transitions between
“personalities” (alters) involves extreme changes in behaviour (eg. US of Tara),
changing clothes (eg. Batman, Spiderman), putting on a mask (The Mask), or
simply taking your glasses off (Superman)…
… However, transitions between alter ego’s in real-life is actually much more
subtle… and involves what are known as “triggers”…
Alter Ego Triggers
The altered mind of the Monarch slave contains multiple memory fragments – each
of which can have their own unique personality.
To switch victims from one alter to another “triggers” (or “keys”) are used, and
these have to be inconspicuous in order to avoid public detection.
Theoretically, any kind of stimulus can be utilized as a trigger. The only thing
that matters, is that the slave has to notice it.
To make the slave ready for use, each alter has to be subjected to a special
programming, [so that] it can get triggered at the right moment and act properly
in the particular situation.
Contrary to popular belief (due to Hollywood movies like “The U.S. of Tara”),
transitions between identity states are actually quite subtle.

To give you an example of what this can look like, here is a 2min video showing Britney Spears switching
alters during an interview:
Once victims of MK Ultra reach a certain age their programming can start to
deteriorate, and thus erratic behaviour is not uncommon.
One particularly notable act of coping with (and escaping from) the mental
stress of mind control, is shaving ones head…

Britney Spears is far from the only victim however… as MK Ultra mind control is
rampant in Hollywood…

MK Ultra and dissociative identity disorder is huge in professional sports too,
as shown in the 15min video below.
The video will show you clearly – and in their own words, that Serena
Williams, Herschel Walker, and Tiger
Woods suffer from
multiple personality disorder and are victims of MK Ultra/Monarch programming.
You’ll also hear about Michael
Phelps‘ psychological programming directly from his coach.
As you’ve hopefully learned by now, mind control is a very real science, and is
more pervasive in our daily lives than most people realize.
The pervasiveness of this science goes far beyond just the people we call
“celebrities” however,…
… as the exact
same symbols and triggers used
to program MK Ultra slaves can also be found in movies, magazines, adverts,
music videos, etc, that the unsuspecting
masses consider to be
(* enter-taint-men)

3. Mind Control Symbolism

Introduction to Monarch Symbols
The Illuminati frequently place many occult (i.e. hidden) symbols in their music
videos, adverts, magazines, TV shows, and movies.
There are numerous symbols used for various reasons – and
any word or symbol can be used to program somebody in fact, but the focus here
will be on the most common mind control symbols.
Note that many of these same symbols are also used as triggers for switching a
mind control victim between alters.
As outlined here again:
Some symbols are used to utilize passive conditioning of
mankind: to increase the acceptance of an element by it’s
frequent appearance, to make people take it as something common and ubiquitous.
Further goals of the use of symbols are the communication for
insiders and
obviously the mockery on
the ignorant mankind.
For an introduction to symbolism, watch the video below, which does a
remarkable job of outlining MK Ultra and Monarch programming in only 7mins.
This is an important video to watch, but discretion is advised as some of the
content is disturbing and/or explicit.
The first 2-3 minutes will cover some background, and after that it will show
you common symbolism found in music and Hollywood.
Before watching, let’s just check to make sure you’re sitting comfortably first…

We’re going to look closer at some of these symbols, but to give you a brief
overview, here is a list of symbols for your reference:
General mind control symbols:
blue birds (Project Bluebird)
the letter combination MK (MK Ultra)
General symbols of Monarch slaves:
holding one’s own head
Mickey Mouse (trigger for child alter)
covering of one eye.
Trigger for alters which are programmed to be more silent:
mouth shut
forefinger at mouth (silence gesture)
Symbols for Beta (sex) slaves
General dissociative identity dissorder symbols:
multiple display of the same person (multiple personality)
cracks in the display of the person (split personality).
Several movies and books are often used in the programming process, and symbols
from such movies are thus used as triggers:
Symbols from “Alice
in Wonderland” (1865):
Monarch butterfly (general Alice trigger)
white rabbit (trigger to follow)
clock (trigger to hurry).
Symbols from Lewis Carolls sequel “Trough
the Looking Glass” (1939):
mirror (trigger to enter the “world behind the glasses”).
Symbols from “The
Wizard of Oz” (1939):
yellow brick road (trigger to follow the way)
cyclone (trigger to flee immediately)
ruby slippers (trigger),
rainbow (trigger to follow).
Many symbols are also being used in combination by the Illuminati, and neuro-linguistic
programming also
plays an important role.
Before we take a look at some of the symbols, here is an interesting music video
by Muse from their 2015 album Drones…
The song is called The Handler,
and this music video shows just how arrogant the Illuminati are – putting the
truth right in plain sight for all to see.
Unfortunately, the public are too asleep to notice how real this problem really
In fact, the symbols/triggers you will see (eg. a cage, Alice, and butterflies)
are probably subliminally being used to program unsuspecting viewers themselves,
whilst also normalizing Monarch programming in the mainstream…
Note that this album was highly promoted and awarded by the music industry:

Muse are quite well known for making conspiracy-related songs, and in fact
they’ve even made numerous songs relating to mind control:
Butterflies and Hurricanes
Dead Inside
Citizen Erased
Map of Your Head
MK Ultra
Stockholm Syndrome
The Handler
Incidentally, the album cover the song is quite an apt reflection of what
society has become, which we’ll be focusing on in the next post…

Now that you’ve gotten a basic appreciation for some of the triggers and
symbols, let’s take a closer look at some of the most common ones, just to prove
how pervasive they really are…
Blue Bird
One of the earliest symbols for mind control is the blue-naped monarch:

This symbol is representative of “Project Blue Bird”, a fore-runner to MK Ultra
that also spawned Project

As you can tell below, the blue bird symbol featured prominently in early Disney
Note that blue birds are always presented as happy and helpful, which
is undoubtedly meant to subliminally program unsuspecting viewers (mainly
children) to respond positively when seeing this symbol – a symbol
which actually has sinister connotations.
You might also recognize this symbol as the logo of one of the most popular
social media platforms…
I’ll leave it up to you to decide if this is a coincidence or not…

Blue birds have also frequently
featured in famous songs by numerous songwriters, such as
Note that rainbows are also a common trigger, used in connection to with the
Wizard of Oz, as listed earlier.
Songwriters have also portrayed the bluebird as a muse, as in the song “Voices in the Sky” by the British rock group The Moody Blues, from their 1968 album In Search of the Lost Chord.
For more information on Project
Blue Bird, read this
article by Colin A. Ross MD, who
does an excellent job of summarizing a huge body of research in the field of
mind control – in particular in the creation of multiple personality:

And speaking of multiple personality…
Multiple Personality Symbolism
As discussed earlier, Multiple
Personality Disorder and Dissociative
Identity Disorder are clearly very prominent in entertainment, politics,
and the mainstream media.
Unsurprisingly, this is reflected symbolically in music videos, magazines, and

There are also many adverts where celebrities are shown with multiple
personalities… such as:

A couple more blatant adverts about multiple personality disorder:
As you can gather, these adverts and music videos function as propaganda to
normalize dissociative
identity disorder…
These kinds of adverts are also an open mockery of the viewing public who have
no idea what is going on and think these are just clever adverts or music
Multiple personality is clearly a big theme, but no symbol is more prominent
than the monarch butterfly…
Monarch Butterfly
The Monarch butterfly is the primary symbol for Monarch mind control
programming, and as you probably guessed, this is indeed where the name of
Project Monarch itself comes from, for reasons that will be explained shortly.

We will be taking a look at why the Monarch butterfly was chosen as a
symbol, but first, allow me to show you just how pervasive this symbol is…
To really emphasize just how prominent the Monarch butterfly is I’ve included a
very large number of examples, so be forewarned that there are hundreds of
butterflies ahead…
